We want to make sure your purchase goes as smoothly as possible. Your very own personal loan specialist can help you through the loan and purchase process, offering:
Use our calculator to get a better idea of your potential repayments and get in touch with us to discuss your requirements or to get started today.
Be Wise. Get your Car Loan or Car Finance Pre-Approved.
Getting pre-approved car finance is now easier than ever. Shop around and find your perfect toy knowing you have the money ready to go.
Once we assess your application, we’ll let you know how much you can borrow and what your potential repayments will be. Your approval will be valid for usually 31 days, you can also extend provided your financial situation is unchanged.
Not only does car finance pre-approval increase your standing as a buyer, it means you can settle faster and also gives you an edge in the negotiation as seller risk is minimized.
At My Finance Broker, we offer car finance pre-approval at no cost. So you can get pre-approval, and if you don’t buy anything, there’s no cost to you at all. We are nice like that.
Just want an idea of what your repayments will be? Have a go at our Finance Calculator, or send us an enquiry and one of our consultants will be in touch to answer any questions you might have.
Be a smart cookie. Get your car finance pre-approved today!
Fill up the form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.